Financing Energy

Best Practices for Energy Sustainability in Healthcare 

How can Environ help healthcare reach their carbon reduction goals?

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Prioritizing Energy Sustainability in Healthcare

As Medicare does not reimburse investments in lighting, HVAC, building envelope, and building automation, hospitals have been less inclined to invest in energy infrastructure and efficiency solutions in the past. Assuming a typical 2% operating margin, a $2 expense (e.g. on energy efficiency) is equivalent to $100 in top-line revenue. With recent changes to how the U.S. economy approaches sustainability and usage of energy, hospitals are now revisiting their overall energy financing to explore how they can improve.

As authors of the AHA/ASHE Best Practices for Financing Energy Sustainability, we’re adept at helping health systems plan to reduce their carbon footprint through procurement and energy efficiency measures. We’re happy to discuss how our industry-leading approach can help you manage your carbon data, maintain compliance with carbon regulations, and become a more sustainable organization. 

So what do these best practices entail? Below we’ve listed out the top steps and benefits to starting your organizations journey towards sustainability.


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Investing & Prioritizing Strategically

A successful energy program creates benefits across the board – for the hospital, the environment, and the community as a whole. Financing sustainability in healthcare and beyond is an involved effort that requires input from every department in the organization, and knowing where to invest properly and how to prioritize the organization’s highest value.

Embracing Creative Financing Strategies

Working together to achieve a financially sustainable goal for the organization requires digging deep and creatively strategizing how certain energy technologies can impact the hospital, and overall, how they will benefit the community and environment. Understanding these energy solutions and their specific effects on the organization is imperative.

Two men in suits sit at a table while reviewing content together on a tablet.

Avoiding Common Analytical Pitfalls

We work with clients around the country on energy and sustainability projects. Through this experience, we have reviewed many different kinds of projects and seen what works and what doesn’t work. Environ will apply detailed, rigorous analytics that follow established best practices to help you navigate the necessary decisions you need to make. 

Adopting & Customizing a Carbon-Neutral Framework

Achieving carbon neutrality is a goal that is achieved when an organization emits net zero carbon. Working together to take on and customize a carbon-neutral framework for the organization will benefit all stakeholders. Starting with your organization, these efforts will one day lead to a global effect down the line. 

Our Team Finds Energy Solutions


With over 30 years of experience in financial strategizing for sustainable energy, we’re here to help you create a management plan catered to your organization’s exact needs.


We’re always striving to move forward and meet problems head-on with financially smart strategies and solutions. Energy sustainability is achievable when we bring innovative ideas and shared skills to the project.

Knowledgeable Team

Our team has the advantage of knowing this industry inside and out – letting our combined knowledge of energy sustainability help improve and elevate your organization’s entire setup and environment.

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