Managing Business Energy Procurement, Mitigating Risks
Our proven procurement strategies give you a competitive edge. Energy is traded in financial markets many times more volatile than the stock market. To protect your budget, we structure a market business energy procurement process that carefully balances your desire for savings and tolerance for risk. We employ leading-edge market analytics, including statistical probability modeling, normally used only by the wholesale financial institutions that dominate the trading environment. We bring you the strongest credit suppliers, with contracts that correctly apportion risk and contain no hidden legal traps. Our energy procurement company executes your savings strategy with precision from day one and keeps working for you every day you’re in the market.
Our procurement specialists have proprietary access to wholesale and retail energy data in all markets, and we build models customized to your location and procurement needs. This depth of experience ensures optimal management of your energy purchasing and budgeting. We also offer the convenience of buying energy via our in-house reverse auction platform.

Sustainable Procurement Services
Deploying sound procurement strategies should be a priority for facilities management. Environ can support your needs through a variety of services, including:
- Fixed-rate products
- Managed block/index products
- Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)
- Virtual power purchase agreements (financial instruments)
- Proprietary procurement execution software
- Renewable-energy wholesale transactions
Primary Energy Types
Our team is composed of Certified Energy Procurement Professionals (CEPs), as sanctioned by the Association of Energy Engineers. We provide procurement services for renewable energy credits and more across all energy types, including electricity, natural gas, fuel oil and green power.
Electricity: In states that offer full electricity deregulation, we assist you in energy procurement, negotiating and executing the most reliable and economical supply contracts. Our comprehensive strategy deployment includes market research and analysis, energy profiling, contract legal review, running the RFP process, bid analysis and presentation of financial implications of pricing options.
Natural Gas: For facilities operating in states that offer full deregulation or “partial choice” for natural gas, we help you take advantage of significant cost savings. Most local utility companies have little motivation or incentive to lower costs, but by participating in a competitive financially driven process through Environ, saving at least 10% to 20% per MMBTU is well within your reach.
Green Power: Our competitive program allows us to purchase power from wind, municipal waste gas, hydroelectric, solar and biomass sources at sharp market prices. Through the purchase of green energy, you can actively reduce your facility’s carbon footprint, achieving corporate and institutional sustainability goals in the process.

Consult with our procurement specialists to learn about procurement options and strategies. Our experts understand the complexities of deregulated energy markets and monitor them constantly.

We’ll guide you in developing sound procurement strategies that reduce your energy costs, mitigate risk and protect your organization from energy price volatility.

Implement our long-term energy budgeting strategies that will yield consistent results, as well as meet your goals and fit your company needs.