Our Sustainability Consulting Services Help You Make Financially Viable Energy Decisions 

This year, the ASHE event focused on optimizing healthcare facilities will have a dedicated track on Energy Management and Sustainability. It is a sign the industry is embracing the need to remove emissions.This blog post will explore healthcare organizations’ growing pressures to cut emissions and emphasize the financial considerations in making sustainable choices. We’ll also showcase how Environ helps clients navigate the intersection of environmental responsibility and sound financial decision-making through our sustainability consulting services.

SEE MORE: Unlocking Sustainable Solutions: Empowering Healthcare Organizations to Exceed New Guidelines Through Environ Energy

The Rising Pressure to Reduce Emissions in Healthcare 

Over the last few years, pressure has grown on healthcare institutions to speed up their sustainability measures. That comes in the form of mandates and regulations as well as expectations from key stakeholders. Brand perception is less urgent but just as important as the public becomes more environmentally aware. 

The first is the most important, as healthcare institutions face legal and financial consequences if they don’t comply with existing regulations. For example, the Healthcare Sector Climate Pledge launched by The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2022 calls on hospitals and other healthcare entities to halve their emissions by 2030 and eliminate them by 2050. Meanwhile, the Joint Commission’s Leadership Standard for Environmental Sustainability, proposed in 2023, requires hospitals to designate an individual responsible for sustainability, measure energy use by buildings and vehicles, develop written sustainability goals and action plans, evaluate progress, and revise its plans at least annually.

On top of these mandates, there are also voluntary pledges, including The Healthcare Climate Leaders Network, which provides resources and support to healthcare organizations committed to sustainability, and The Health Care Without Harm Climate & Health. The latter is a collaboration between Health Care Without Harm and the Climate and Health Alliance working to reduce the environmental impact of the healthcare sector and improve the health of patients and communities.

Stakeholders, including investors, employees, and patients, also increasingly demand to know a facility’s environmental responsibilities. Healthcare companies need reliable ESG reporting showing their environmental, social, and governance impacts to foster trust and investment. 

The Financial Considerations of Emission Reduction 

There are upfront costs, opportunity costs, and risks associated with sustainability initiatives, but there are also potential benefits, such as cost savings, improved environmental performance, and increased public goodwill. Healthcare organizations must carefully weigh the costs and benefits of sustainability initiatives before deciding on the right strategy.

For example, long-term cost savings on energy bills may offset the upfront cost of installing renewable energy systems. However, there may also be opportunity costs associated with the initiative, such as the cost of lost productivity or the cost of diverted resources. By carefully considering these factors, healthcare organizations can make informed financial and environmental sustainability decisions.

How Environ Facilitates Sustainability Efforts 

Environ Energy provides sustainable consulting services to healthcare institutions to help them meet their sustainability goals. These services include:

  • Climate Action Plan development: Develop and implement climate action plans that outline their strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Carbon offsets and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): Purchase carbon offsets and RECs to offset their greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Energy-efficiency upgrades: Identify energy-efficiency upgrades to reduce energy consumption and save money.
  • Green energy procurement: Procure green energy, such as solar and wind power, to help them meet their sustainability goals.
  • Financing for sustainability projects: Finance sustainability projects through various financing options, such as tax credits, grants, and loans.

By providing these services, Environ helps healthcare institutions reduce their environmental impact, save money, and improve their public image. Do you need help with your sustainability measures? Schedule a meeting with our team by calling or filling out our contact form.