Mark Mininberg
Mark’s professional career spans more than three decades as a healthcare administrator, lawyer, government advisor and business leader. He founded Hospital Energy (now Environ) in 1995 to provide lower-cost, clean-energy sources for healthcare institutions. Hospital Energy transformed into Environ in 2021, and Mark serves as Co-Chairman for the private equity-backed energy firm.
In the United States, Mark has been a tireless champion of ground-breaking approaches to energy and environmental management. As an attorney, he has been at the forefront of developing federal and state laws, regulations and industry standards that improve human health and the environment. As a business leader, he has forged some of America’s largest and most successful healthcare energy aggregations and used their negotiating power to create several major innovations in how hospitals procure and manage energy. As a result of these efforts, Mark was invited to author American Hospital Association (AHA) Best Practices in Energy Procurement (2017), Business Planning for Energy Resiliency (2018) and Financing Energy Sustainability (2021).
Internationally, Mark spent many years promoting public health efforts through the introduction of clean-energy alternatives in the UK, Eastern Europe and Latin America. He organized successful engagements among senior U.S. government and business leaders and their counterparts in the UK, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, and the Czech Republic, as well as in Mexico and the Caribbean. Mark is the editor and primary author of the International Environmental Handbooks for Industry series sponsored by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Representative international clients have included 3M, Textron and United Technologies Corporation.
Mark is a frequent lecturer on energy, healthcare, and environmental matters, receiving invitations from the U.S. White House, the United Nations, the World Bank, the Oxford University Law Colloquium, the Yale University Center for International Studies, the Harvard Law School Negotiation Project, and the Columbia University School of Public Health. Mark has also served as an advisor to the Society for Neuroscience in organizing its summit meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama concerning the science of the mind.