Charting the Course Through Shifting Energy Regulations: July 2023 Recap

Pioneering the Path to a Sustainable Energy Future

July: Summer 2023 Recap Part 2

In the ever-evolving landscape of energy regulations, the month of July brought a wave of transformative developments that are reshaping the future of energy production, transportation, and sustainability. These changes, enacted by visionary leaders and institutions, are setting the stage for a more sustainable and environmentally conscious energy ecosystem. In this regulatory bulletin recap, we delve into these groundbreaking initiatives, their implications, and their potential to drive lasting change.

The realm of energy regulations is intricate and ever-evolving, encompassing changes that range from solar tax credits to initiatives aimed at enhancing grid reliability. It is abundantly clear that maintaining a deep understanding of these developments is essential for businesses and organizations involved in energy projects. We are revisiting these regulatory transformations, spanning from June 2023 through August 2023. They bring forth a multitude of opportunities and challenges, highlighting the critical importance of adaptability and strategic foresight. By vigilantly monitoring these shifts and proactively planning for the future, businesses can confidently traverse the dynamic terrain of energy regulations. The voyage toward a cleaner, more dependable energy future is already underway, and it brims with potential.

1. Cambridge’s Net Zero Mandate: Leading the Way

Cambridge, Massachusetts, has taken a bold step toward a greener future by amending its Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (BUEDO). In a historic move, the city has become the first in the United States to require net-zero emissions for large buildings by 2035 and mid-sized buildings by 2050. The plan hinges on a multi-faceted approach, including greening the grid, enhancing energy efficiency, and transitioning away from fossil fuels. While initial transition costs are substantial, studies have consistently demonstrated significant long-term savings on electrical bills, underscoring the city’s commitment to sustainability.

2. New Jersey’s Electric Revolution: Phasing Out Gas-Powered Cars

New Jersey’s governor has unveiled an ambitious proposal to phase out gas-powered vehicles by 2035. This forward-looking plan is accompanied by a financial commitment in the fiscal year 2024 budget, allocating $10 million to support the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. These stations will be strategically placed in businesses, multi-unit residential buildings, and public areas, fostering the widespread adoption of electric vehicles and reducing emissions. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection will oversee the fund allocation, paving the way for a cleaner, electrified transportation future.

3. PJM’s Winter Storm Resilience: Lessons for the Grid

The aftermath of Winter Storm Elliott prompted PJM to issue a comprehensive report with 30 recommendations aimed at fortifying the grid against future winter storms. While many of these recommendations are already under review through capacity market reforms and the gas-electric task force, their full implementation will span several years. One area of focus is Demand Response, which may face increased scrutiny following its underperformance during the winter storm, falling short of its promised reduction targets.

4. NYC’s Capacity Challenge: Balancing Demand and Supply

New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) has identified a looming capacity shortfall of 446 MW (equivalent to 1.5% of demand) for nine hours in the summer of 2025. The deficit is primarily attributed to the “peaker rule,” which mandates plant retirements, alongside rising demand driven by building electrification and EV adoption. NYISO is committed to finding solutions to address this challenge, with the possibility of delaying plant retirements being the most viable short-term option to ensure reliability.

5. SEEM’s Regulatory Reckoning: A Shift in Competition

The DC Court of Appeals made a consequential ruling regarding the Southeast Energy Exchange Market (SEEM). While SEEM remains operational, the ruling demands that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) provide a comprehensive explanation of its classification system, which enables SEEM to limit competition within its transmission system. The ruling raises questions about the potential cost-saving benefits of increased competition in the region and highlights the importance of transparency in regulatory decisions.

6. Avangrid’s Offshore Wind Investment: A Turning Point

Avangrid’s decision to terminate its offshore wind deal and pay $48 million is a noteworthy development with potential implications for ratepayers. This financial arrangement underscores the importance of clarifying responsibilities between suppliers and utilities in renewable energy projects. Avangrid’s plan to rebid the project at a higher price in the state’s 2024 procurement adds an intriguing dimension to the future of offshore wind initiatives, promising further advancements in the renewable energy sector.

July’s regulatory highlights paint a vivid picture of an industry in transition, guided by visionary policies and forward-thinking leaders. These initiatives set the stage for a more sustainable and environmentally responsible energy future. As we navigate these changes, businesses, consumers, and stakeholders alike must remain vigilant, adaptable, and prepared to embrace the opportunities that emerge in this dynamic energy landscape. The journey toward a cleaner, more sustainable energy ecosystem has begun, and the path forward is promising.