A Big Energy Transition Calls for Bold Solutions: Adapting to a Changing World

Energy management has always been a complex business that required deep knowledge and expertise on a variety of energy and financial topics. But we are seeing new challenges emerge. The imperative to deploy clean energy infrastructure has never been stronger, and organizations that fail to set and meet Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals risk losing customers and credibility. And companies that have traditionally had experts on these energy topics, from energy efficiency to energy procurement, in separate silos are losing ground as the energy markets become increasingly complex.

The past approach to managing an organization’s energy needs is no longer adequate in our rapidly changing world. Energy systems and markets are now more sophisticated and dynamic, so they have to be approached with integrated, holistic thinking. Even to get the same results as you have in the past takes more knowledge and focus. To get better results? That requires up leveling your whole approach to managing energy and sustainability.

Energy is a financial market that requires us to think in financial terms for our clients, but it’s not enough to consider the financial impacts of each decision by itself. The interaction of the many energy-related decisions across the organization need to be understood. The real savings come from understanding that all of these energy topics are interrelated and they are most effectively managed when they are looked at as one whole initiative.

Organizations have to quickly adapt to this more integrated environment. As a start, most organizations need support with energy procurement to protect their budget and balance their desire for savings with their tolerance for risk. And those procurement decisions are made against a backdrop of other demands: improving sustainability scores, reducing carbon emissions, and meeting ESG reporting needs. Add to that the need to manage energy efficiency, develop grid independent energy sources for resiliency and keep an eye on the bottom line, and you have a level of complexity that was unheard of even a decade ago.

So how do we meet these needs in a changing world?

As energy consultants, we have an imperative to provide clients with what they need. And what many of our clients need is more support from us: support in unraveling these complexities, navigating the competing demands, executing the strategies and identifying emerging trends. Environ’s leading-edge tools, processes and people tackle the ever-more complex world of energy management. And scale also bring us the facilities, finance, and supply chain leadership that will ensure we can address your most challenging energy problems.

We can help you look at the most difficult challenges you face and bring even more expertise and an even wider perspective to solving those challenges. We don’t expect the world of sustainability and energy management to get any easier. There will always be a new energy technology, a new regulation, or a new financial instrument that keeps you on your toes. And even if the tools and products at your disposal were static, your needs are not. Your energy and sustainability needs are evolving rapidly. We want to match that challenge by also evolving rapidly so we can help you meet the realities of a changing world.

With offices in New York City and New England, Environ serves clients across North America.