Environ provides this regular market report covering high-level energy market conditions to all of our procurement clients. Our clients are hospitals, colleges and universities, municipalities, and companies of all sizes across industries. Environ Market Analysts track and analyze millions of data points to help our clients reduce exposure to market swings, lower energy costs, and prepare for long-term price stability. For localized market analysis or information on scheduling an energy audit, email info@environenergy.com.
Winter Storms Drive Increases in Energy Prices
Winter storms and cold snaps across much of the Midwest and Southeast have driven a sharp increase in energy prices over the past few weeks. This surge has led to unfavorable short-term pricing in many ISOs, though longer-term strips have remained relatively stable. Additionally, the launch of two new LNG export facilities at the end of December has added further bullish pressure to the market.
- Natural gas production remains stable.
- Storage is still holding strong and above the five-year average (min/max closer to five-year average during withdrawal season).
- US sanctions on Russian LNG export facilities could increase European demand for US LNG.
- Winter storms increasing demand for natural gas heating.
- 8-14 day weather outlook is projecting cold weather to continue.
- New LNG export facilities coming online and increasing demand.
Storage Report: 1/17/25: Colder Weather Contributes to Substantial Withdrawal
Expected Withdrawal – 260 BCF
Actual Withdrawal- 258 BCF
Current Storage Level – 3,115 BCF – 2.5 % above the 5-year average
Initial Projections suggested a large withdrawal this week. Actual withdrawal came in just 2 BCF lower. Winter storms hit the Midwest and Southeast last week and the majority of the country has experienced colder weather so far in 2025. This contributed to the substantial withdrawal, but storage still remains above the 5-year average.

NOAA MAP: Below Average Temperatures Expected In Most Regions

Regional Dot Plots

Rolling Gas Curve

Environ Energy’s veteran Advisors, Market Analysts, and Sustainability Consultants have decades of experience in procurement, risk management, data analysis, decarbonization planning, and renewable energy sourcing. We take a full circle, connected approach to review consumption, spend, and regulatory compliance requirements for our clients to drive positive results that other consulting firms can’t achieve. Contact and let us know how we can help you reduce costs and improve energy efficiency info@environenergy.com.